We invite all parents of young children ages 0-6 who want to raise curious and responsible people!

This Conference is for you if you want to:

  • Learn about activities for children that remain consistent with the Montessori method: eye-hand coordination, music and movement, daily life, art and crafts, language;
  • Learn how to demonstrate the activity to your child;
  • Adapt the home to the child's abilities and needs;
  • Support your child's curiosity;
  • Learn the basic principles of Positive Discipline, encourage cooperation without threats, bribery or punishment and at the same time skillfully set boundaries.




REINALDO DONATTI - Co-founder of International Montessori Academy and International Montessori Institute - Montessori teacher (6-12)

ANNA GAIK - Administrative Director of International Montessori Academy

MARZENA HUMINIECKA - Montessori teacher (3-6)

ADRIANNA WODEJKO - Montessori teacher (3-6)

MONIKA BOREK - Montessori teacher, coach, founder of Montessori City

PAULINA SIKORSKA - Montessori teacher, trainer, methodical director of International Montessori Academy

EWELINA DONATTI - Montessori teacher (3-6 and 6-12), certified Positive Discipline trainer, founder of International Montessori Academy and International Montessori Institute


Anna Gaik - Montessori community.

Monika Borek - The Absorbent Mind

Marzena Huminiecka - Prepared Environment

Paulina Sikorska - Phases of Child Development 0-3, 3-6

Reinaldo Donatti - Lilard Research

Ewelina Donatti - Positive Discipline

Adrianna Wodejko - Language Education


Ewelina Donatti

Workshop I: Introduction to Positive Discipline: how to raise your child without punishments and rewards. Effective communication, mutual respect, encouragement, focusing on solutions, not punishment. The four basic needs of a child and how to meet them to raise a confident, resourceful young person.

Workshop II: Four misguided behavioural goals: why doesn't your child listen?

Monika Borek

Workshop I: Selected elements of the Montessori method: receptive phases, natural thirst for knowledge, concrete teaching.

Workshop II: Hand-eye coordination aids for the youngest - children from one to three years of age perfect grasping techniques and working with both hands simultaneously.

Paulina Sikorska

Workshop I: Mathematics - presentation of Montessorian mathematical aids for preschool children, sensitive phase, mathematical mind.

Workshop II: Sensory issues - presentation of sensory aids for preschool children.

Marzena Huminiecka

Workshop I: Prepared environment and its role in child development - principles of arrangement in Montessori preschool can be easily transferred to home interiors.

Workshop II: Preparing the kitchen environment in your home - we will look at the kitchen environment and consider how to implement the principles of Montessori pedagogy in it.

Adrianna Wodejko

Workshop I: LANGUAGE - language-sensitive phase, presentation of language aids. How to help the child learn a fantastically rich language so that it absorbs easily. Presentation of vocabulary enrichment baskets, study cards and the three-step lesson.

Workshop II: ART AND HAND WORKS - guidelines for conducting art and handwork activities, examples.